If we *teach the children how to play* and encourage them in their sports. with its facilities for rapid locomotion and almost instantaneous communication between remote points of the globe*. in a large measure due to the hurry and excitement of modern life*. this intellectual condition is characterized by *a brain incapable of normal working. diseases of the mind are almost as numerous as the diseases of the body. The existence of *mental and nervous degeneration among a growing class of people*, especially in large cities, is an obvious phenomenon. Goschen, First annual address to the students, Toynbee Hall, London *hurried reading can never be good reading*. *Those who are dipping into so many subjects and gathering information in a summary and superficial form lose the habit of settling down to great works*.Įphemeral literature is driving out the great classics of the present and the past. As if this last condensing process were not enough the condensed articles of these periodicals are *further condensed* by the daily papers, which will give you *a summary of the summary* of that which has been written about everything. Which reduce thirty pages to *fifteen pages* so that you may read a larger number of articles in a shorter time and in a shorter form. So we witness a further condensing process and, we have the The articles in the quarterlies extend to thirty or more pages, but *thirty pages is now too much*. It seems almost possible that the modern world might be choked by its own riches, *and human faculty dwindle away amid the million inventions that ahve been introduced to render its exercise unnecessary*. So much is exhibited to the eye that *nothing is left to the imagination*. Journal of the Institute of Jamaica, volume 1 The days when engravers were wont to spend two or three years over a single plate are for ever gone. If a picture catches the public fancy, the public must have an etched or a photogravured copy of it within a month or two of its appearance. We live at too fast a rate* to allow for the preparation of such plates as our fathers appreciated.

*The art of pure line engraving is dying out. *There never was an age in which so many people were able to write badly*. has grown too weak for sustained thought. Intellectual laziness and the hurry of the age have produced *a craving for literary nips*. Frank Leslie's Popular Monthly, volume 29 *The age of leisure is dead, and the art of conversation is dying.* good talk presupposes leisure, both for preparation and enjoyment. William Smith, Morley: Ancient and ModernĬonversation is said to be a lost art. lacks the quiet and repose of the period when our forefathers, the day's work done, took their ease. leaving them no time to talk with the friend who may share the compartment with them*. Laid on their breakfast table in the early morning, and if they are too hurried to snatch from it the news during that meal, they carry it off, to be *sulkily read as they travel.

for *men now live think and work at express speed.* They have their With the advent of cheap newspapers and superior means of locomotion. It is, unfortunately, one of the chief characteristics of modern business to be always in a hurry. *We fire off a multitude of rapid and short notes, instead of sitting down to have a good talk over a real sheet of paper.* Now, however, we think we are too busy for such old-fashioned correspondence. *The art of letter-writing is fast dying out.* When a letter cost nine pence, it seemed but fair to try to make it worth nine pence. Some text is bolded it is enclosed in asterisks.)) Here, each quote is given as a separate panel.
#Du jour modern family troga series
((This strip is in the form of a long series of quotes.